Gusto Taco Vegetarian Restaurant in Hongdae

gusto taco seoul hongdae

Gusto Taco is a vegetarian restaurant in the region of Seoul, Hongdae. It serves meat to its customers. But for their vegan customers, they also have vegan options available. This place is an American-run taco and burrito eatery. Also, they have tofu as filling, and you can have customized orders without the cheese. They open on Tue-Sat 11:30 am – 10:00 pm and Sun 11:30 am – 9:00 pm. They accept credit cards and provide their services at competitive prices. If you want to try authentic tacos, we definitely recommend this place!

Moreover, Gusto Taco’s food categories include Lacto foods, ovo vegetarian food items, Western dishes, Mexican dishes, non-veg items, and Beer/Wine.

How to Get to this Gusto Taco Restaurant

The main address of this place is 146-6 Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea.

You can contact them using the number, +82-23388226 for more details. You can also visit their website, or their Facebook page if you want to know more about the place. This place remains closed on Mondays and the general timings for the rest of the days are:

Tuesday – Sunday from 11:30 am to 10:00 pm

Traveling around the region of Hongdae can be really fun and following the address to go to this place is undoubtedly exciting. This place is really easy to find so following the address to reach this place shouldn’t be a problem. You can ask around a little and immediately get a clear idea as to where to find this place. The location of this place is gorgeous and reaching this beauty is really satisfying. After having Gusto Tacos, we recommend looking around the cafes and shops located in the alley of Sangsu-dong (Wausan-ro-3-gil). You can feel a different atmosphere from the noisy and complicated atmosphere from the main streets of Hongdae.

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Best Menu at Gusto Taco Restaurant

The food served at this place is quite filling and wholesome. The freshly made veggie tacos and vegan burritos with a filling of rice, and pepper along with a good portion of beans are pretty flavorful. The best thing about the best menu is that you can have your orders customized to meet your requirements. The in-house tortillas, tofu tacos and vegetarian tacos are chewy, satisfying, and tasty. The quesadillas are highly recommended. The nachos are served in tortilla bowls and come with jalapenos and lots of home-made cheese, which is excellent! The taco taquitos should not be missed either. You can also add guacamole to your orders for an additional price. All the food items are made with quality ingredients and are super healthy. This place has the best Mexican veg food that is a must-try at least once if you are in Hongdae.


Gusto Taco Vegetarian Restaurant is great both in terms of atmosphere and quality. It is very accommodating and has a cozy interior with beautiful decorations. The staff is amicable, capable, and helps you with recommendations and suggestions so that you can have the best experience. The owner is super cool, kind, and knowledgeable and treats his guests in all the right ways. The restaurant caters to the needs of everyone alike and doesn’t disappoint anyone in any case.

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